Monday 21 February 2011

The work I have submited consists of some of my most cherrished pieces. I care for detail and variety to show my work ethic evidently. Looking at these 12 images, it is evident I like to work in different scales. I am able to be extremely diverse, welcoming new techiniques to my work ethic. I like to connect with the viewer showing deep colourless pieces but yet meaningful ones. I also produce colourful work where the meaning is more evident. Personally I believe, from looking at my work, colour is not always necessary as anything can be made beautiful just by using simples colours such as black and white. I have the ability to use colour in my work but do not always use it as my work is usually based around the imense detail and intricacy of a piece rather then the colour of it. When producing work, I try to make each piece as unique as possible. I have not yet figured out my personal style which means the variety in my work is very wide. Having a personal style adds a signature to your work, but not having one means you become more easier to work with as a person. It allows you personally to gain strengths in different fields and pick up new techniques at hand. I do not believe I will ever gain a personal style as I am an all rounded person. I have strengths in many different fields which allow me to jump from idea to idea. Personally, I am a very diverse individual. I am very punctual and literate however I do have my flaws, But hay, No ones perfect...

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